

А коли YouTube буде українською?

З подачі першого читача цього блоґу Poohitan’а, також пропоную долучитись до акції, започаткованої @twketrin (viklad.blogspot.com). Необхідно написати листа у  службу Yоutube service@youtube.com, щоб Google переклала цей сервіс українською мовою. Лист може бути наступного змісту:

Dear Youtube Team!

I appeal to you, in the name of more than 50-millions Ukrainian people. I am always happy to use your services, and I watch videos placed on Youtube by my numerous Ukrainian brothers and sisters around the world, with great pleasure. I am proud that I am an Ukrainian, because my state is one of the largest in Europe, my people is one of the most representative in the world. However, one thing is annoying me, and that is the lack of Ukrainian language among the languages supported on Youtube. This fact is very unfortunate for me. Therefore I am glad to offer your site with all the possible assistance in order to have my native Ukrainian language among all the languages supported by Youtube. I hope that you will give to this letter all attention it deserves, and take with my help the appropriate measures to have Ukrainian language supported by YouTube.

With my friendly regards, (ваше ім'я, прізвище)

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